Anatomy Of Sexual Intercourse

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Sexual intercourse, or coitus or copulation, is principally the insertion and thrusting of the penis, usually when erect, into the vagina for sexual pleasure

Usually sexual anatomy is taught through the lens of reproduction, so it’s only about penises and vaginas, testes and uteri. Seen through the lens of of pleasure

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Adult male and female reproductive anatomy and physiology during sexual intercourse. All layers named for easy editing.

sexual intercourse n. 1. Sexual union between a male and a female involving insertion of the penis into the vagina. 2. Sexual activity that includes insertion of the

Penile stimulation. The most important components of the physical erogenous stimulation of the penis during foreplay and intercourse are the sensations from the

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Our Amazing Bodies, Every Part Deserves A Proper Name. Source: ETR ReCAPP Website Target Audience: Level I (middle hood, ages 5 through 8; early elementary college)

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The vagina is an elastic, muscular tube connecting the cervix of the uterus to the vulva and exterior of the body. The vagina is located in the pelvic body cavity

(A) (B) FEMALE SEXUAL ANATOMY FEMALE EXTERNAL GENITALIA: VULVA, LABIA, and CLITORIS (A) External View, closed (B) External View, open and flushed.

sexual intercourse: reproductive act in which the male reproductive organ (in humans and other higher s) enters the female reproductive tract. If the

A abortion . A procedure to intentionally end a pregnancy before a birth. Miscarriage is also sometimes called “spontaneous abortion,” even though it is usually not

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