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This quote sums it up pretty well: Your excuse that fat people are all sub-human lazy pieces of crap doesn’t float because we are people. We are human beings with

A lot of people look towards synthetic chemicals in order to lose weight, but this is entirely the wrong way of looking at things. There are so many natural products

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History. The history of the fat acceptance movement can be dated back to 1967 when 500 people met in New York’s Central Park to protest against anti-fat bias.

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Mar 11, 2017 · Mama June Shannon is setting the record straight about rumors that she wore a fat suit before her show Mama June: From Not to Hot premiered earlier this

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Sep 27, 2013 · It’s no secret that fat people get a pretty raw deal. Aside from things like diabetes and heart attacks, they have to put up with the rest of us covertly

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NEW from the author of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle: The Burn the Fat Online Body Transformation System

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Everyone knows some people who can eat ice cream, cake, and whatever else they want and still not gain weight. At the other extreme are people who seem to…

Contest Directions: It’s time for a round of fat people. Photoshop overweight celebrities and fat people from around the world. Julianne Moore may use some fattening

White fat cells or monovacuolar cells contain a large lipid droplet surrounded by a layer of cytoplasm. The nucleus is flattened and located on the periphery.

Dec 02, 2007 · It should be the time of her life for Jennifer Love Hewitt, instead the newly engaged actress is taking to the Internet to speak out about unflattering

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