Kiss Oklahoma City

Paul McCartney delights fans of all ages in Bossier: Saturday at the CenturyLink Center in Bossier City, Paul McCartney performed for almost three hours straight to a

The official site of the Oklahoma City Thunder. Includes news, scores, schedules, statistics, photos and video.

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Desktop view Mobile view American Radio Map List of all cities Links: Radio stations in Oklahoma City, OK Radio stations in Tulsa, OK Radio stations in Austin, TX

Kiss Oklahoma City 118

KISS FM is proud to support the needs of local pets – especially those seeking a new home. That’s why 98.9 Kiss FM have teamed up with Central Oklahoma Humane

Kiss Oklahoma City 19

Kiss Oklahoma City 52

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Kiss Oklahoma City 103

© 2011, Sealed With a Kiss, Inc. © 2011, Sealed With a Kiss, Inc.

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Concerts 2017. Are you looking for concerts, concert tickets, concerts 2017

Game between the New York Knicks and the Oklahoma City Thunder played on Mon July 3rd 2017. The Thunder beat the Knicks 99 to 87. Josh Huestis led the scoring with 26

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Kiss Oklahoma City 59

KISS Online: The Official KISS Website Looking for VIP or Meet and Greet Tickets? Click on the “VIP Tickets” button below each date to purchase either Meet and

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