Russian Origin

A service that offers a variety of man & teen baby names, including Russian man & teen baby names with name, meaning, origin and gender.

Balalaika: The Balalaika family includes, from the highest-pitched to the lowest, the prima, sekunda, alto, bass and contrabass balalaika.

Russian Origin 119

Russian Origin 101

A list of Popular Russian Names, Top 100 Russian Names for mans and teens

Common-nik, a borrowed suffix (also used in Yiddish) Babushka (Russian: ба́бушка [ˈbabuʂkə] “grandmother”, “granny” or just an old woman), a headscarf

Russian Origin 18

Russian Origin 38

Russian Origin 107

Russian teen Names. A collection of Russian teen Names, Popular and Unique Russian teen Names.

Russians (Russian: русские, russkiye) are an East Slavic ethnic group native to Eastern Europe. The majority of Russians inhabit the nation state of Russia

Russian Origin 85

Russian Origin 100

Russian Origin 26

A list of names in which the usage is Russian.

The National Sunflower Association Sunflower Back to North America: By the late 19th century, Russian sunflower seed found its way into the US.

Russian Origin 56

Meanings and Origins of Names. 1] [2 ] AFANAS (Афанас): Short form of Russian Afanasii

Russian Origin 35

Meanings and Origins of Female Russian Names. 1] [2 ] ADELA DA (Аделаи́да): Russian form of Old High German Adalhaid, meaning

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