Adult Center

You can get your degree while working! Flexible schedules for adult learners. Programs in education, psychology, counseling, management, health care and more.

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A national non-profit organization working to improve the lives of affected people through education, advocacy and support.

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Advancing the scientific foundations of health, learning, and community well-being. Site includes partners and faculty, activities, lecture webcasts, and publications.

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Carries out a broad range of activities in research, training, and public information.

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Venturing Youth Protection Training . This course is required for all adult Venturing leaders. This training will help leaders understand and guide youth through

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A five-day program with activities including simulated space shuttle missions, training simulators, and lectures on space exploration.

A national non-profit organization which seeks to improve the economic security of low-income families with ren.

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Adventist Sabbath college Network, including comprehensive Bible study resources, discussion forums and links to Ask-a-Pastor services.

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Offering year round educational opportunities for artists of all ages. Includes a summer camp, arts festival, public radio station, elementary college, and college

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