Amateur Radio Online

Kitchener Waterloo Amateur Radio Club’s web site features monthly newsletter and extensive ham radio content. This is an ever evolving site and should be book marked.

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Welcome to the AA9PW Amateur Exam practice pages. This site helps you practice for the any of the three written examinations required to obtain a US Amateur Radio

New Amateur Radio, CB Radio & Scanner Equipment by Alinco, Ranger, Yaesu, Bearcat, Texas Ranger, ANLI, Anttron & more! Enter this OnLine Catalog

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Amateur radio (also called ham radio) describes the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation

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Amateur radio journal provides online subscription and store, forums and newsletter.

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Learn and research amateur radio, science, chemistry, biology, physics, math, astronomy, electronics, and much more. is the internet science PORTAL to

– is a Web site dedicated to ham radio (amateur radio).

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Universal Radio Inc. Selling new and used amateur and shortwave radio equipment since 1942

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This weekend has seen another SSTV event from the International Space Station, this time in commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of ARISS (Amateur Radio on the

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An organization consisting of national amateur radio societies around the world, the watch and spokesman for the amateur radio community.

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