Gay Hockey

Gay Hockey 27 gives you the inside scoop on hockey like no other publication. News, analysis, opinion, scores, and stats, from the NHL and hockey leagues around

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NEW YORK—In the wake of NBA center Jason Collins and U.S. soccer midfielder Robbie Rogers coming out as homosexual, reports revealed Friday that the National Hockey

True North Hockey Canada ~ Established in 1990 Focused on Adult Recreational Hockey for Men and Women in Toronto & Brampton

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Andrea Barone is chasing the NHL dream as any aspiring professional referee would. That he’s gay shouldn’t matter. But in the slow-changing hockey world, he knows it

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Complete Emails, mailing addresses, phone numbers, and more for Men’s & Women’s NCAA College Basketball Coaches. Also find a complete list of Admissions information

Information on competitive ice hockey teams composed of gay, lesbian, and straight members. Includes schedules, team statistics, and details about the Gay Games.

The most up-to-date breaking news for the Toronto Maple Leafs including highlights, roster, schedule, scores and archives.

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The official site for Vancouver BC’s gay hockey team, the Cutting Edges

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Chicago’s official gay hockey organization. Provides environment free of harassment and discrimination for LGBT members and friends to play ice hockey.

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Browse stories. Hockey Fanfiction is a diverse website for authors to share their hockey themed writing. While interacting with other hockey fans, users may read

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