Gay Lesbian Studies

1 How many people are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender? by Gary J. Gates, Williams Distinguished Scholar Executive Summary Increasing numbers of population

A lesbian is a female homosexual: a female who experiences romantic love or sexual attraction to other females. The term lesbian is also used to express sexual

This NASW research Web page focuses on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) social work research. It provides an overview of an under-researched set of

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Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender news, commentary, opinion, politics, causes, entertainment, events, personals, health, wellness, sports, interviews, travel & videos.

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The research and study of lesbians. Free online movies with a lesbian central theme.

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This is a referenced overview list of notable gay, lesbian or bisexual people, who have either been open about their sexuality or for which reliable sources exist.

Jul 10, 2016 · How to Understand Gay and Lesbian People. Re-examining long-held beliefs can be frightening and confusing, but it is without doubt admirable. Thinking

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American Psychological Association research summary of lesbian and gay parents and their ren. Concludes that gay and lesbian parents are just as fit as their

Register for Q-Camp Orientation, Set for October 1st. New and returning students are invited to an orientation to UCR campus life and the

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Historically, YRBS and other studies have gathered data on lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth but have not included questions about transgender and questioning/queer youth.

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