Highspeed Boob

Port Manteaux churns out silly new words when you feed it an idea or two. Enter a word (or two) above and you’ll get back a bunch of portmanteaux created by jamming

Highspeed Boob 69

Highspeed Boob 85

This article is a short synopsis of some key concepts. For the science behind it, please follow all the links and read this page. Some links go to our articles, which

A number of you have written asking about our TV-watching setup, and I’m finally getting around to writing about it today. You probably know that here at Chez

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Every now and then we get emails, or comments on the blog, from people who are trying to remember a book title based on fragments of information about: the story

Highspeed Boob 117

May 26, 2017 · Would you be so kind as to past the changelog here? I’m not a patron, but I would like to see what changes are coming.

View count_1w from CMPT 825 at Simon Fraser. the 23135851162 of 13151942776 and 12997637966 to 12136980858 a 9081174698 in 8469404971 for 5933321709 is 4705743816 on

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Highspeed Boob 12

China’s new high-speed sleeper train linking Beijing and Shanghai hit the tracks on Saturday for commuters who want to get some shut eye on super comfy double

Highspeed Boob 11

My wife and I have reduced our television viewing to roughly four hours a week: two hourly dramas and maybe two more hours combined throughout the week. I

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