Irish Amateur Golf

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Official site of the only amateur boxing association to have a custom built stadium which they manage and control. Includes boxer profiles, event schedules and medals

Golf club details, user reviews, history, rules, golfer biographies, forum, and travel resources.

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Irish Amateur Golf 40

For the 99.7% of golfers who aren’t pros. News, schedules and results of 2000+ amateur golf tournaments; player rankings, course and equipment reviews, and more

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The Dubai Duty Free Irish Open facilitated by the Rory Foundation will come back to Northern Ireland one year from now after Portstewart Golf Club was affirmed as the

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Ronan Collins, PGA professional at Fota Island, reckoned he could make some kind of golfer out of Larry Ryan in six lessons at Fota’s state-of-the-art Golf Academy.

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We create unique Golf Holidays in Ireland and Irish golfing vacations and tours to suit you. Reviews of the best Irish golf courses and hotels in Ballybunion, Kerry

Women’s Eastern Senior Amateur Golf Championship Country Club Of Whispering Pines – East Course Whispering Pines, NC Oct 10, 2017 – Oct 12, 2017

The 2016 Irish Open golf tournament will be hosted at The K Club in Straffan, Co. Kildare, Republic of Ireland between Thursday 19th May and Sunday 22nd May.

Irish Creek is a lakeside golf course community in the midst of a hardwood forest. Immersing yourself in the spirit and luxury of a private country club, Irish Creek

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The IGTOA Ireland Golf Tour Operator Association represents Ireland’s leading Golf Tour Operators and companies that form the Irish Golf Tourism Industry.

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