Natalie Portman Closer Sex Scene

Natalie Portman naked and sexy pictures. Total 950 images in 59 photo galleries and 64 movies in 16 video galleries. Page 1

Includes biography, news, quotes, filmography, categorized image galleries, articles, audio and video downloads, and upcoming TV appearances. [English, French, German

Check out Natalie Portman nude plus all your favorite celebs here at Mr. Skin, home of the hottest naked celebrity pics and sex scenes.

Closer Natalie Portman. Natalie Portman wearing a purple thong and bra, along with a pink wig as she plays a stripper and entertains a guy in a private room.

Natalie Portman, Actress: V for Vendetta. Natalie Portman is the first person born in the 1980s to have won the Academy Award for Best Actress (for Black Swan (2010)).

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Natalie Portman portrays a smart-mouthed slut stripper in this scene from the movie “Closer”. Obviously this scene did not require much “acting” for Natalie

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Natalie Portman (born Neta-Lee Hershlag, Hebrew: נטע-לי הרשלג ‎‎; June 9, 1981) is an actress with dual American and Israeli citizenship.

Natalie Portman is the first person born in the 1980s to have won the Academy Award for Best Actress (for Black Swan (2010)). Natalie was born Natalie

Get Natalie Portman’s biography, pictures, videos, and more at Chickipedia – the world’s largest women database.

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