Not Knowing You Are Pregnant And Drinking

Jul 12, 2016 · How to Quit Drinking Alcohol. You’re looking at this page, which means you want to quit. That’s the good news. The not-so-good news is that quitting is hard.

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Research shows that the theutic benefits of drinking coffee do not apply to pregnant women.

Common Myths. Myth: My doctor said it’s fine to have a glass of wine or two while pregnant. Your doctor might not be informed about the risk of prenatal alcohol

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When pregnancy takes you by surprise and you had been drinking alcohol without knowing that you are pregnant, you wonder: Will it affect the baby?

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Alcohol and Pregnancy: Is ‘A Little Bit’ Safe? Find out what experts say about whether light drinking is risky when you’re pregnant.

Common Health Questions. If you want to learn what happens to your body when you eat a food or use a particular substance, read these insightful health articles today.

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Dec 08, 2011 · Here are some astonishing statistics: Among pregnant women, 1 in 450 doesn’t know her status until week 20 or later (more than halfway through the pregn

Hi Lauren, thanks so much for your comment, it’s great to hear you made the healthy choice for your body! I think senna is safe to treat constipation yes, if it’s

Imply you’re drinking more than you are, or that you’re drinking at all. This is the other classic way to be sneaky: If you’re drinking, but just don’t want to get

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A missed period is often the first sign of pregnancy, but what causes a missed period when you’re not pregnant? Read the non-pregnant reasons for no period.

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