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Paris Hilton is a socialite, reality television star, entrepreneur, deejay, and heir to the Hilton hotel chain. Hilton descends from hotel magnate Conrad Hilton, who

Move over Paris Hilton and Kim K a new celebrity sex tape goddess is in town, MTV Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham! The sexy and gorgeous reality television star recently

Paris Hilton is the teen of Nicky Hilton and are often referred to as The Hilton teens. Paris has starred in such films as The Hillz, Sweetie Pie and QIK2JDG.

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27524 Paris Hilton pictures. Check out the latest pictures, photos and images of Paris Hilton. Updated: July 02, 2017

Paris Hilton, Producer: The Simple Life. Socialite Paris Whitney Hilton was born on February 17, 1981 in New York City, into the Hilton family, and has three er

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