Punk Hardcore

Punk Hardcore 65

Punk Hardcore 87

dule.klc 46 godina,slušam hc/punk od 1982,fanzin black side 1987-1998, nemam puno interesa osim muzike View my complete profile

This site is about collecting punk, hardcore and black metal records. It’s also about Swedish punk zines.

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This is a list of notable bands considered to be hardcore punk. Hardcore punk (sometimes referred to simply as hardcore) is an underground music genre that originated

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Hardcore punk (often abbreviated to hardcore) is a punk rock music genre and subculture that originated in the late 1970s. It is generally faster, harder, and more

How to Be a Punk. If you’re a fierce individualist who has a bone to pick with the profit-driven world, you might be a punk. Here’s a quick primer on punk fashion

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Sous-genres Anarcho-punk , beatdown hardcore , crossover thrash , crust punk , D-beat , digital hardcore , emo , grindcore , hardcore mélodique , metalcore , post

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Punk rock CDs and vinyl, plus t-shirts and buttons.

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The origins of punk are a hotly debated topic. Some say it really began in the 1960s with bands like The Sonics, the Stooges, MC5, and Velve

L’hardcore punk (chiamato anche semplicemente hardcore) è un sottogenere del punk rock nato negli Stati Uniti d’America e sviluppatosi successivamente anche in Europa.

This site is about collecting punk, hardcore and black metal records. It’s also about Swedish punk zines.

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