Red Dots In Back Of Throat

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Red spots on tongue are small blood bumps that can be caused due to a variety of reasons like vitamin deficiencies, infections, allergic reactions, autoimmune

Different kinds of sore throats: viral, bacterial, and those caused by dryness — and things you can do about them.

Causes of red dots on roof of mouth, symptoms and treatment. These can be accompanied by sore throat too and can be itchy or painful

While red dots on legs are bothersome, most of which are benign and nothing to give a major concern. The cause of the onset of red dots on legs is quite numerous and

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A critical look at the red dots on skin, the little, small, pinpointed, not itchy, raised, pin sized, patches, the pictures as well as the treatment. Contents1 Red

Jan 20, 2015 · Red bumps in the back of the throat can be part of your normal anatomy or a sign of a medical condition.Tonsils sit in the back of your mouth on either

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Are bumps in the back of the throat normal? Bumps in the back of the throat are an indication of a certain type of throat irritation, which itself is a sign that your

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Aug 16, 2013 · Skin changes are common during pregnancy. Stretch marks, dry skin and itchy skin are the most common; however, some women also suffer from other skin

Do you have small red dots on your skin? Could be petechiae. Petechiae is blood leaking into your skin from little capillaries just under your skin.

May 27, 2009 · Red Spots On Stomach/back/chest . Hey. I’m new to this board but I figured i’d give it a shot on here before I see a doctor to see if anyone had any idea

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