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Penelope Cruz Sanchez is the hottest Spanish actress of all time. Known for her smoky eyes, cute English accent and simmering sexuality, you’ve probably wa

Tom Cruise full frontal peep. A flashback to when Tom Cruise was still hot and not at all creepy because of his constant shilling for a homophobic money cult.

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OFFICIAL TOM CRUISE SITE: Watch career movie trailers, videos, and retrospective. Read the Tom Cruise biography or blog for interview videos and new movie news. View

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Bio: Originally trained as a classical dancer, Penelope Cruz has become one of the hottest and most famous Latin babes on the planet. Her first break came with an

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Penélope Cruz, Actress: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Known outside her native country as the “Spanish enchantress”, Penélope Cruz Sánchez was born

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Penelope Cruz. AKA Penélope Cruz Sánchez. Born: 28-Apr-1974 Birthplace: Madrid, Spain. Gender: Female Religion: Buddhist Race or Ethnicity: Hispanic Sexual

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Tom Green, Producer: The Tom Green Show. Tom Green was born on July 30, 1971 in Pembroke, Ontario, Canada as Michael Thomas Green. He is a producer and actor, known

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